The FOR ME workshop
Who am I?
I want to find meaning in my life and guide myself with true values. I long for recognition, love and a healthy self-realisation.
God’s plan an all aspects of daily life
FOR ME makes young people realise freedom as the basis of all happiness. Through understanding their sexuality, they are able to discover God’s plan for their own lives.
God’s message to me
This is what awaits you on the 2-day workshop
The FOR ME workshop (usually held over a weekend) uses a completely new approach to understanding God’s message for our lives. This approach is based on the teaching of St. John Paul II. It says that God did not simply create man in his own image. Rather, it is of paramount importance that God consciously created human beings as male and female and equally consciously placed within us the sexual desire that we feel in our bodies every day. Sexuality and sexual desire are therefore something very good and intended by God.
The way from the head to the heart
I wish for a heart on fire
However, the approach of the FOR ME workshop does not leave people in this wonderment about the truth of their sexuality. Rather, access to the Gospel is opened through this bridge of sexuality. This reveals to the participants in a completely new way the meaning of their lives and of the Church’s sacraments. This opens the way for the message of God from the head into the heart to transform it into a heart of burning love.
What is the meaning of my life?
I want to make sense of it
Whoever has come to grips with God’s plan and thus the meaning of life, a life of lasting happiness is already open to him here on earth, despite all potential afflictions and blows. For this is what God really wants: that we already experience a profound happiness here on earth during our lifetime, which also carries us through the darkest hours of our lives. It frees us from a subconscious hustle and bustle of constantly seeking satisfaction in new things or the underlying fear of losing what we already have.
How does a FOR ME workshop work?

”Real self-determination and freedom! I always thought that I had used all my potential in this area. Until I came to know the theology of the body. It has given the answer to the big “why” in my heart and given me a real, lasting fullness that I almost didn’t dream of. And along the way, it opened the door to answers to the many questions about the Catholic Church”

“It was only after the FOR ME weekend that I began to understand God’s sacrificial love, and now I can recognise and experience His mercy in every sacrament. It has also taken my love for my fellow human beings to a whole new level“

„The theology of the body has helped me very well to understand the meaning of love according to God’s will and so it has allowed me as a woman to be fully accepted, valued and loved and not just to feel so! It has opened up to me how wonderfully God created us as man and woman and what a fulfilling plan He calls lovers to!“

„The FOR ME weekend has given me more confidence in the things I do. Seeing that Jesus gave us an example for life as God who took on the human body, inspires me to give rather than to take in relationships“

„I recommend this workshop! I consider it one of the main items in the preparation for my marriage. It has led me to a deeper understanding of what love means between a man and a woman“